Excel Still More

Learn • Apply • Build

Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God, that you excel still more.”

1 Thessalonians 4:1

Our Purpose

To equip the Christian with the tools needed to dig deep into God’s Word, apply it to our lives, and build a steadfast faith.



The primary purpose of the Excel Still More Bible Workshop is to equip the Bible Student (i.e. the Christian) with the tools needed to dig deep into God’s Work. The steps we follow are simple, Learn, Apply, and Build. We call this the L.A.B. Technique as we look at each chapter of our book of study three times from three different vantage points allowing us to understand the text to its fullest! 

Articles & Books

Writings devoted to helping the Christian grow in their relationship with the Lord through Bible Study, article writing on a host of different subjects for men and women, along with book publications on a number of different topics that are all devoted to helping you Excel in your faithful walk with the Lord.


Video Series

A collection of videos professionally filmed and produced a variety of subjects. From our workshops to round table discussions, and future podcasts, EXCELTV has it all! Our video content is purposed with your spiritual growth in mind to help you learn more about God’s written Word, grow in ministry, and much more!

ESM Resources




Workshop Material


Study Material

Workshop Videos

Roundtable Discussions



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