As we come to the end of this short series on Daily Walking With God, let’s take a moment to revisit the main points along the path that has brought us here. We started by defining what it means to be a woman who walks with God: it’s a way of life that begins by making a choice every morning to trust God and to allow Him to lead our steps. What follows is a life characterized by intimate devotion, full-hearted loyalty, and faithful obedience. It’s having a mind that is completely focused on God and not divided between Him and the world. Women who walk with God talk to Him all day long about everything! They also share in His story. They listen to Him by reading His Word—recognizing and remembering who He is and what He has done. And they shine His light. Women who walk with God reflect His grace, His mercy, and His kindness as they go about their everyday lives. So, now we’re here—ready to take the final steps on this path where an open gate awaits.

To understand what is needed for walking this next stretch, we have to look back at the life of Jesus on Earth. We have to take notice of how He walked, where He walked, and with whom He walked because He is our example of one who daily walked with God…perfectly. No one before or since has ever walked with the Father better than the Son. In the Gospels, we are shown the footsteps of Jesus, and time and time again, they lead to a place where the relationship is sown and cultivated. Jesus made connections with people. Through His ministry, we see that in order to change a person’s actions, you have to first change their heart, but before you can change someone’s heart, you have to be willing to connect your heart to theirs. It’s interesting to observe the way Jesus did that. First, notice what He did not do—He did not stay locked behind the doors of a house, a synagogue, or even the temple. Instead, He connected with people as He walked throughout Palestine day in and day out as He lived His life. He talked to people—over a meal, along the road, on a mountainside, in a boat, on the shore, in a graveyard, beside a well, around a fire, anywhere and everywhere. He asked questions, He listened, and He helped. That’s how He connected! He showed an interest in the lives of people. When it comes right down to it, Jesus connected with people because He cared about them…even the ones who hated Him…even the ones who were living in sin…even the ones who didn’t believe Him…even the ones who abused Him and killed Him…He genuinely cared about their souls. If we want to be women who walk with God, we will connect to others as Christ did. Here are some ways we can follow His example:

  1. Be convicted. Know your purpose! Jesus told His followers that He was sent to do the will of His Father (John 6:38), and that’s exactly what He did, right up to the very end. He never wavered and He never quit. His conviction gave rise to connection because His Father’s will had everything to do with His love for the world (John 3:16). Jesus connected with people because He knows souls are at stake and He wants what His Father wants, which is for all people to be saved (1 Tim. 2:3–4). Our purpose is to go into the world, preach the gospel, and make more disciples of Jesus because that is the will of our Father (Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15). We should be convicted by that charge, then connect to people in order to change hearts, and our motivation through it all must be love.

  2. Be compassionate. Let people know you care! Jesus was deeply moved when He saw the needs of people, and if He saw a need that He could meet, He met it (Mark 6:34; Matt. 14:13–14). His compassion gave rise to connection because of His love for others and His desire to serve (Matt. 20:28). Sometimes, the best way to begin building a relationship with someone is to show them kindness—offer them help in whatever big or small way you can. Compassionate connections open up the door for meaningful conversations that might just result in heartfelt conversions.

  3. Be concerned. Get to know people! This is where we can imitate Jesus in our conversations. Ask questions, really listen, try to see other perspectives, hear out histories and backgrounds, expand your circle of friends, and as long as you’re doing your best to do what God wants, don’t worry about what other people might think about you (Matt. 16:15; John 5:6; Luke 10:26). Concern gives rise to connection because it takes the spotlight off of you and onto the people around you. If someone believes you are genuinely interested in who they are and what they believe, they may be more willing to share their thoughts and feelings with you. Remember, everyone in this world has an eternal soul that is loved by God and made in His image. I should have the same amount of concern for others as I hope that God has for me.

Jesus walked with God, and if we want to be women who walk with God, placing our steps into the steps of Jesus will take us there. While He was walking here on Earth, Jesus connected to people because of His conviction, His compassion, and His concern for them. We should connect with people today for the same reasons.

As we walk toward our Promised Land, there is no better partner, friend, and guide than God. Walking with Him is a daily choice, and it takes continual effort. Some days, we’ll get it right, and on the days we don’t, like my Dad always says, “Tomorrow is a new day,” and God will be there waiting for us at the gate.

Lori Boyd

Lori Boyd is from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and attends the East Main church of Christ.  She and her husband, Sam, were married in 1998 and have three children, Evie, Kate, and Briggs. Lori is a Registered Nurse and a high school teacher at Middle Tennessee Christian School, where she teaches Honors Anatomy and Forensics. She is pursuing a Master of Arts in Christian Scripture at Heritage Christian University.

  Lori has been a writer for Think, Tennessee Home and Farm, and Christian Woman magazines. She has written four books: Trailblazers, Walking to the Promised Land, Hope Island, and Praying Through It; all made available through Kaio Publications. She is part of the Ministry League team and a World Bible School board member. She loves public speaking and teaching Bible classes and presents regularly at workshops and ladies’ events.

Lori was born in Germany and grew up in the Air Force. She attended Abilene Christian University in Texas and graduated from the Abilene Intercollegiate School of Nursing in 1996. She moved to Nashville in June of 1997 and has called Middle Tennessee “home” ever since.