Peter was an apostle who witnessed Christ’s sufferings firsthand, something not a lot of people could have said they were around for. He also experienced a lot of suffering along with other faithful Christians, starting to go through the persecution caused by Nero. Even though Peter was going through the same trials as others around him there was something he continued to do. He encouraged his fellow brethren to hold firm to the salvation they had obtained from Christ (5:12). He wanted them to never give up. They had an inheritance in heaven waiting for them if they could just stand firm in their trust.

In 1 Peter 3 and 4, Peter gives a message that rings throughout the book of 1 Peter to find great joy in suffering for doing good instead of evil because we will have glory in the end.

“Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled”…1 Peter 3:13,14 NASB95

You have to change your mindset to want to do good so badly that no one can get close to taking your salvation. You have no reason to be afraid of those that cause you trials. We are to fear God more than people because it is God who gives us our hope of salvation, and He is the one who can take it away, not a person.

Then he goes on to say in verses 15-17, to put it in my own words, that we need to…

“sanctify Christ in our hearts and be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you”...1 Peter 3:15

What does this look like for us? It’s for us to keep trying to do more good in the trials of life so we become more capable of giving a defense of the hope we have from God. To make a defense in the greek is ‘apologea’ meaning to give evidence. We can use our suffering as a way to evangelize to others. The more you grow through the trial, the more you’ll learn from it and be able to help others. remember to hold on to hope, stand firm in the faith, and let that fuel you to get through the trials!