As we mentioned in the last article, one of the first questions we should ask about Bible study is, “Why is Bible study even important?” Last time, we noted that Paul’s inspired prayer from Colossians 1 provides us with an answer. In verses 9-14, we see that Bible study is important because of two fundamental reasons. The first of these we discussed last time:

“Bible study is important because the Lord wants us to study.”

In this article, we will examine the second reason.

Bible study is important because it helps us live in a way that pleases God. He inspires Paul to write this in verse 10, “so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him” followed by an explanation of what that life looks like. Note what this God-pleasing life looks like and how it is connected to Bible study:

  1. Bearing fruit in every good work. Back in verses 5-6, Paul talked about how the word of the truth is bearing fruit in all the world. How are we to bear fruit apart from the word of God? The word is the seed, and with it we can water the message of the rule and reign of God. How can we know how to work for the Lord without knowing His will ( 3:23). When you plant the word of God in somebody, it ought to grow and bear fruit. However, they have been kind of derailed because these folks around them have gotten in their heads.
  2. Increasing in the knowledge of God. Back in verse 9, Paul prayed they might increase in the “knowledge of His will.” In both places, the word refers to “experiential knowledge,” not just an intellectual understanding or an academic exercise. As we walk in and study God’s will, we become more familiar with both His ways and with God Himself.
  3. Being strengthened with all power. Both words come from the same Greek word. It could literally be translated as “strengthened with all strength.” or “empowered with all power.” In verse 29, Paul mentions the Lord’s “energy that He powerfully works within me.” In 1:6, it is the word of truth-bearing fruit “among you” (literally “in you”). God’s word within us works on our hearts and in our lives, but only if we study it. The result will be endurance, patience, and joy!
  4. Giving thanks to the Father. Why? He has “qualified” us (2:18; 3:15) or made us sufficient by allowing us to be in Christ. This enables us to share in the inheritance of eternal life! He has rescued us from Satan, put us in Christ’s kingdom, redeemed us from the slavery of sin, and forgiven us. None of this would be possible outside of our knowledge of God’s word. And the more she studies it, the more we recognize all He has done for us. That knowledge should bring about appreciation.

Bible study is important! God wants us to study, and our study allows us to walk pleasing to Him. Keep striving to excel in Bible study because the Almighty expects, demands, and deserves no less from us!

Corey Sawyers
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Corey Sawyers is the preaching minister at the Martin (TN) Church of Christ and an adjunct instructor with Bear Valley Bible Institute. He began preaching at the age of 15, filling in throughout Northwest Tennessee. He has been in full-time ministry since 1998 and has served with congregations in Tennessee and Colorado. He and his wife, Melody, married in 1996, and both are graduates of Bear Valley Bible Institute. They have three sons. Garrett is the youth minister at the Greenfield (TN) Church of Christ and is soon to be married to Bailey Jones. Gordon is the preacher for the Knob Creek Church of Christ in Dukedom, TN, and is soon to be married to Lauren Kelly. Gannon is still at home and wants to go into ministry when he grows up. Corey loves his family, ministry, the Tennessee Vols, the Andy Griffith Show, drinking coffee, and banana pudding.